unfavorable conditions|unfavorable condition in English

bad terms, unpromising conditions

Use "unfavorable conditions|unfavorable condition" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "unfavorable conditions|unfavorable condition" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "unfavorable conditions|unfavorable condition", or refer to the context using the word "unfavorable conditions|unfavorable condition" in the English Dictionary.

1. Admonitory - expressing reproof or reproach especially as a corrective admonishing , reproachful , reproving unfavorable , unfavourable - not encouraging or approving or pleasing; "unfavorable conditions"; "an unfavorable comparison"; "unfavorable comments", "unfavorable impression"

2. In unfavorable conditions, female kangaroos can pause their pregnancies.

3. Unfavorable weather conditions have seriously hurt three of the last four cherry harvests.

4. We appeal unfavorable legal decisions

5. Hyperoxia is unfavorable to its stability.

6. The weather is unfavorable to our plans.

7. Crazing is a unique form of damage that can happen to an opal under certain unfavorable conditions

8. To you unfavorable evidence all very conclusive.

9. Synonyms: benefic, beneficent, beneficial… Antonyms: bad, disAdvantageous, unfavorable…

10. - Unfavorable macroeconomic developments and a slowdown in growth.

11. 3 words related to Brickbat: fragment, criticism, unfavorable judgment

12. An unfavorable or censorious comment:to make Animadversions on someone's conduct

13. One notable unfavorable opinion appeared in the Daily Mail.

14. It moved west to southwest through an unfavorable environment.

15. He had formed an unfavorable opinion of my work.

16. Yet, unfavorable circumstances do not excuse us from our responsibilities.

17. Amylopectin-rich materials showed unfavorable relaxation, shrinkage and cracking during aging

18. Caviling: given to making or expressing unfavorable judgments about things.

19. Unfavorable Ankylosis does bring in higher VA Ratings than favorable.

20. May we never allow unfavorable circumstances to overshadow our spiritual values!

21. Note that an isotherm that is favorable for Adsorption is unfavorable for desorption

22. The unfavorable reviews of his first novel were a great discouragement to him.

23. When they import more than they export, an unfavorable balance of trade exists.

24. Noun an unfavorable or censorious comment: to make Animadversions on someone's conduct

25. Synonyms: Criticize, censure, condemn, denounce, decry These verbs mean to express an unfavorable judgment.